​Oh , fossi io un angelo - sample
Souviens-toi - sample { french lullaby}
Peace i leave with you - sample
​​Just Believe Cd
I'm so excited to announce the launch of my first cd!
This project has been on my mind for a long time
and finally it is here!
It's a collection of inspirational songs
that are very close to my heart.
I hope they will bring you joy
as much as they bring joy to me.
Some songs are original and some are covers.
For those who heard me sing before
they might recognize some of these songs.
I want to thank all of you for your support and love.
I would never have done this without you.
Please let me know what you think of the cd
so I can make the next one even better.
Click on the songs on the left to hear a short version
of what you will get on the cd,the cd includes 10 songs.
Click on the cd on the left to get your own copy mailed at home!
If you can pick up the cd in person text me 5802760026,facebook me or email me at elisagriffith@gmail.com the cost for you will be only 8$.​
If I need to ship it make sure to send me an email or text with your address as you pay with paypal.the cost for you guys will be 10$.
Per tutti i miei amici Italiani che vogliono una copia del mio cd,non disperate!Alcune delle mie canzoni saranno disponibili su itunes.Cosi' che voi potrete scaricarle (faro' sapere al piu' presto quando saranno disponibili su itunes).Posso anche spedirvi una copia fisica del cd,ma sfortunatamente a causa dei prezzi molto alti di spedizione il prezzo per voi e' 15 euro.Se comunque volete una copia fatemelo sapere su facebook o via email e vi mandero' una invoice su paypal.Mi raccomando includete il vostro indirizzo nelle note e ve lo spediro' al piu' presto possibile!
Il cd include 10 canzoni.Grazie!​​
(the cd includes 10 songs, these are samples of only 3 of them)